Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out? | The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod (2024)


Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out? | The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod (1)

Posts: 154

Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out?May 2, 2020 20:15:58 GMT

Post by aegonisablackfyre on May 2, 2020 20:15:58 GMT

I've got about over a thousand hours in ck2, at least half of those are in this mod, I'd wager more honestly. The point is, played the mod a lot. Anyways, just really looking for an interesting playthrough. I've played most of the popular characters, and really am just looking for something interesting. I've been playing a lot of ironborn recently, just because it's fun stealing valyrian steel swords, a bunch of gold, and having a million salt wives and kids, but I've played all the Greyjoys. If you know any interesting playthroughs with the ironborn, or just in general, please comment them!


Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out? | The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod (2)

Posts: 128Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out? | The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod (3)

Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out?May 9, 2020 9:38:40 GMT

Post by Salty_Balls on May 9, 2020 9:38:40 GMT

I'll assume that you're referring to the vanilla version of the mod.

Have you tried playing as the Volmarks? They get a unique strong seed bloodline like the Greyjoys (after the Hoares die), and have a unique event which allows them become Hoares if you take over the Isles. Gameplay can be interesting since before getting a chance to take down the hated Greyjoys you have to cleave through their goons the Harlaws first. Good start dates include 8277(freshly landed character + Defiance of Duskendale),8300(fresh character + feast of crows stuff).

Another interesting RP might be playing as house Goodbrother (preferably in the earlier scinarios where they start off weaker, I'd recommend 7991 AC). Since the Goodbrothers are supposed to be the descendants of the Grey kings "good" brother, you should act accordingly and try to preserve as many of the Grey kings descendant dynasties as you can. Maybe turn the isles into a republic, although that might be tricky since you'll need to convert to another culture first (the ironborn can only form noble oligarchies).

If you're using the More bloodlines submod, I would also recommend playing as Haras Harlaw( the knight) since he is actually playable in the submod, gets a unique bloodline of his own. Maybe try to take over the isles(after "taking care" of your cousins and becoming top Harlaw), reform the Drowned faith to be friendlier to the seven worshippers and introduce knighthood to the isles by training many proteges(maybe use the 6 wards submod), also maybe convert to republic and rake in having so many relatives (very many Harlaws in the llater scinarios), also converting to another culture is more justified to this end since you start of as a half greenlander.

Another interesting house are the Codds, but they are only playable in the earlier scinarios somewhere before Aegon's conquest. They get incest and start of in the Riverlands unlike the other ironborn. Maybe connvert to high valyrian as them or take over the Riverlands with them.

Naathi Adventurer

Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out? | The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod (4)

Posts: 72

Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out?May 9, 2020 16:51:31 GMTvia mobile

Post by Naathi Adventurer on May 9, 2020 16:51:31 GMT

Here are a few ideas of playthroughs ordered by difficulty:

  • The Benevolent Benefactor (Easy)

    Settings: Start as Naath

    1. Peacefully colonize Sothorios
    2. Develop Sothorios baronies & cities (all these sweet mines)
    3. Become the richest kingdom of Planetos
    4. Reform the Naathi religion (with the special Naathi doctrine)
    5. Conquer the Summer Islands with marriage and unify them under a single Kingdom
    6. C
    reate and rule the Summer Sea empire.
    7. Never declare war, never kill or wound anyone in any fashion.

  • The Valyrian Conquest (Easy)

    Settings: Before the Doom. Do not start as High Valyrian, Disable High Valyrian Cull.

    1. Conquer holdings in Valyria and move your capital there
    2. Become High Valyrian because silver hair is pretty and so is a huge bonus to dragon hatching and taming
    3. Convert to Valyrian religion because it makes more sense
    4. Be left pondering if your dynasty conquered Valyria or if Valyria conquered your dynasty

  • The Great Patriarch/Matriarch (Medium)

    Settings: Free depending of your taste for complexity

    1. Rule either an Empire which Kingdoms are ruled by cadet dynasties of yours
    2. Duchies of these kingdoms should be held by cadet dynasties of their King/Queen (so cadet dynasties of your cadet dynasties)
    3. Do not let a cadet dynasty (or a cadet² dynasty) ever die once if it's landed

    - Challenging but after a few hundred years, the odds that a member of one of your cadet dynasties takes the seduction focus and breeds many bastards of his own are quite good indeed. I don't recommend trying to have cadet^3 counts tho.

  • The Patron/Matron of Arts (Medium)

    Settings: Shatter Realms with 95% ruins, count-level, no night watch, all feudal (otherwise there are bugs with nomads), 1 barony per holding. Use AGoT Holdings+ Submod (link)

    1. Build 6 cities in all your demesne counties (1 temple in some religious site holdings is OK if you want to reform a religion)
    2. Have an income of 1,000 gold per month (so 12,000 gold per year indeed)

  • The God/Godess (Hard)

    Settings: Between 7887 and 7999; Shatter Realms count-level without dragons; Westeros Only

    Get a dragon horn (a brand-new one)
    2. Restore magic & dragons
    3. Your last ruler should have 5 lifestyle traits (*), should reform the Old Gods and become its God King/Queen, and, should become immortal

    (*) 1st and 2nd lifestyle traits will be obtained during an initiatory journey, 3rd will require you to study, 4th will be the result of a rare discovery, 5th will be obtained once you know how to heal yourself.

Last Edit: May 9, 2020 18:58:50 GMT by Naathi Adventurer


Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out? | The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod (5)

Posts: 107

Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out?May 9, 2020 18:07:50 GMT

Post by BrotherhoodofSteel on May 9, 2020 18:07:50 GMT

Have you tried the night's king?
I have been modding a peaceful night kings playthrough if you're interested.

Anyone have anything interesting playthroughs to try out? | The Citadel: A Game of Thrones Mod (2024)


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