[Top 5] Crusader Kings 2 Best Starts (And Why) (2024)

Where are the best starts in CK2?

Most Crusader Kings players have their own favorite starting locations - but it's nice to branch out. There area huge number of interesting characters that shouldn't be missed!Check out the top 5 best starts in Crusader Kings 2and try something new in your next game.

5. Ireland - 1066


[Top 5] Crusader Kings 2 Best Starts (And Why) (1)

King Murchad, an easy ruler to start with in Ireland

Ireland is widely known as “Tutorial Island,” and for good reason! If you’re starting out in CK2, you’d be wise to start your first independent game here.

King Murchad of Mumu is a great choice if you want to quickly snatch up other counties unopposed, since he starts with the most land in Ireland. Note that he only personally holds one county, and his two vassals hold the others.

Some other good starts here are Earl Domnall of Leix and Earl Murchad of Dubhlinn. They both own two counties without any vassals and they’re relatively young. Be aware that they have more than one son, so succession could get tricky.

Ireland is a great starting location if you’re a beginner, because:

  • Ireland is shattered into several counties, which are easy to conquer
  • There aren’t many threats - characters from the British Isles won’t attack you quickly
  • As a Celtic culture, you can have Tanistry succession, which is easier to manage than Gavelkind

4. Abyssinia - 1066


[Top 5] Crusader Kings 2 Best Starts (And Why) (2)

King Yamrehana Krestos, who is located in a difficult corner of Africa

This is an advanced starting location if you’re looking for something challenging. The Kingdom of Abyssinia is located at the very bottom of the map, on the eastern coast of Africa. King Yemrehana Krestos belongs to Miaphysite Christianity, a heresy, and is surrounded by Muslim characters!

A good first step would be to establish a powerful alliance using his only son. You’re not entirely alone, either; a few neighbors share your religion and culture. Once you get established, you’re situated in an interesting and seldom-explored corner of the map.

There are certainly some challenges here to overcome, which makes it the perfect start for resourceful players who want to try something new.

Some challenges you may face here include:

  • The large Muslim kingdoms that surround your lands
  • The distance between you and your most powerful potential allies
  • The low amount of technology advancements you start with
  • Neighbors who often match or exceed your starting military strength

3. Spain - 1066


[Top 5] Crusader Kings 2 Best Starts (And Why) (3)

Spain during the Reconquista period

In 1066, Spain is home to a large conflict between the Jimena brothers (the Kingdoms of Galicia, Leon, and Castille) and many Muslim rulers. No matter which side you choose, a game here will be filled with war and intrigue, although it’s not impossible to come out on top.

If you’re playing a Muslim character, you can also choose to start in northern Africa if you want some distance from Christian rulers while you expand your kingdom. Don’t forget about France and the HRE - they can ruin your plans as you approach their territory.

Although the Jimena family can band together, you can often take advantage of the conflict between them as well.

If you start here, you’ll experience:

  • Intrigue, alliances, and war
  • A struggle with your own religion and a rival one
  • Many smaller realms to conquer on the way
  • Powerful potential alliances from neighbors
  • A complex but clear goal - to unite Spain

2. Bohemia (HRE) - 1066


[Top 5] Crusader Kings 2 Best Starts (And Why) (4)

Duke Vrastilav Presmyslid, a vassal in the Holy Roman Empire

Duke Vratislav Premyslid rules the Duchy of Bohemia in 1066. In this start, you’re part of the Holy Roman Empire. There are many options for different playstyles here, and as part of a strong empire, it’s a relatively safe start.

You begin with all of the land necessary to form a kingdom for yourself. From there, you can rebel, remain a vassal and grow your share, or work to take over the empire. Watch out for succession, though, since Vratislav has many children.

Some advantages of this location are:

  • The ability to quickly form the Kingdom of Bohemia
  • The potential for many large and powerful allies
  • A strong starting duchy with a central European location
  • The HRE has an elective form of succession which you can influence

1. Sweden, Svipjod - 769


[Top 5] Crusader Kings 2 Best Starts (And Why) (5)

King Sigurdr Ring, ruler of Svipjod, with his son Ragnarr

The Duke of Svipjod can be found on the eastern coast of Sweden in 769. The first thing to note about Sigurdr Ring is that his son is the (future) famous Ragnarr Lodbrok!

In some ways, this is a difficult start, as you begin with a tribal government and unreformed pagan religion, much like many of the western and northern starts in 769. This can limit your power at the beginning and cause trouble with inheritance.

However, being a Viking has its benefits. It’s feasible to build up a ridiculously strong army, warring and raiding as much as you like.

From this start, you can:

  • Hold many counties personally, giving you an initial advantage
  • Act quickly and take a large chunk of Scandinavian land as you begin
  • Play around with some famous names - go off script or stick to it!
  • Snowball into a huge world power

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[Top 5] Crusader Kings 2 Best Starts (And Why) (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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