Best Practices for Many-To-One and One-To-Many Association Mappings (2024)

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When you model your database, you will most likely define several many-to-one or one-to-many associations. And it’s, of course, the same when you model your entities. It’s quite easy to do that with JPA and Hibernate. You just need an attribute that represents the association and annotate it with a @ManyToOne or @OneToMany association. But as easy as it seems, there are several pitfalls that you can avoid by following a few best practices.

@Entitypublic class Item {@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)@JoinColumn(name = "fk_order")private PurchaseOrder order;...}
@Entitypublic class PurchaseOrder {@OneToMany(mappedBy = "order")private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();...}

Don’t use unidirectional one-to-many associations

Bidirectional one-to-many and both many-to-one association mappings are fine. But you should avoid unidirectional one-to-many associations in your domain model. Otherwise, Hibernate might create unexpected tables and execute more SQL statements than you expected.

Let’s take a closer look at the standard mapping.

The definition of an unidirectional one-to-many association doesn’t seem to be an issue. You just need an attribute that maps the association and a @OneToMany relationship.

@Entitypublic class PurchaseOrder {@OneToManyprivate Set<Item> items = new HashSet<Item>();...}

But take a look at the SQL statements Hibernate executes when you persist a new Item entity and add it to the one-to-many association.

15:13:54,449 DEBUG SQL:92 - select nextval ('hibernate_sequence')15:13:54,454 DEBUG SQL:92 - select items0_.PurchaseOrder_id as Purchase1_2_0_, items0_.items_id as items_id2_2_0_, as id1_0_1_, as name2_0_1_, item1_.version as version3_0_1_ from PurchaseOrder_Item items0_ inner join Item item1_ on where items0_.PurchaseOrder_id=?15:13:54,466 DEBUG SQL:92 - insert into Item (name, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)15:13:54,468 DEBUG SQL:92 - update PurchaseOrder set version=? where id=? and version=?15:13:54,471 DEBUG SQL:92 - insert into PurchaseOrder_Item (PurchaseOrder_id, items_id) values (?, ?)

You probably expected that Hibernate would only persist a new Item entity in the item table. I did the same when I used this mapping for the first time.

But Hibernate also retrieved all records from the PurchaseOrder_Item table that are associated with the Order entity, wrote a new record to the same table and updated a record in the PurchaseOrder table.

Why does Hibernate execute so many queries and introduce an additional association table?

In your table model, you normally use a foreign key column on the to-many side of the association to store a reference to the associated record. Hibernate uses the same approach when you model a bidirectional one-to-many or an unidirectional many-to-one relationship. It uses the foreign key column to map the association.

But it can’t do that if you don’t model the relationship on the entity, which represents the to-many side of the relationship. So, Hibernate introduces an association table to store the foreign keys.

You can avoid this table if you specify the foreign key column with a @JoinColumn annotation. This column has to be part of the table of the to-many side of the association. So, in this example, the item table has to have a fk_order column which stores a foreign key to the purchaseorder table.

@Entitypublic class PurchaseOrder {@OneToMany@JoinColumn(name = "fk_order")private Set<Item> items = new HashSet<Item>();...}

As you can see in the log output, Hibernate now uses the foreign key column instead of an association table to map the relationship. But it still has to perform an additional SQL UPDATE statement to set the foreign key because the Item entity doesn’t map the foreign key column.

15:31:15,753 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where,771 DEBUG SQL:92 - select nextval ('hibernate_sequence')15:31:15,777 DEBUG SQL:92 - select items0_.fk_order as fk_order4_0_0_, as id1_0_0_, as id1_0_1_, as name2_0_1_, items0_.version as version3_0_1_ from Item items0_ where items0_.fk_order=?15:31:15,788 DEBUG SQL:92 - insert into Item (name, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)15:31:15,790 DEBUG SQL:92 - update PurchaseOrder set version=? where id=? and version=?15:31:15,793 DEBUG SQL:92 - update Item set fk_order=? where id=?

So, better use a bi-directional instead of a unidirectional one-to-many association.

Avoid the mapping of huge to-many associations

I know, mapped to-many associations are useful, especially when you want to join entities in a JPQL query. But Hibernate loads all associated entities when it initializes the association. That can take several seconds or even minutes when Hibernate has to fetch several thousand entities.

So, better use an unidirectional many-to-one association. You can’t use the to-many mapping anyways, and it removes the risk that someone triggers the initialization by accident.

When you need to read the associated entities, it’s better to use a JPQL query with pagination. That allows you to fetch a number of entities that you can handle in your business logic or present to the user. And after you’ve processed the retrieved entities, you can execute another query to retrieve the next set of entities until you’ve reached the end of the list.

TypedQuery<Item> q = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Item i JOIN FETCH i.order", Item.class);q.setFirstResult(0);q.setMaxResults(5);List<Item> items = q.getResultList();

If you need to join the associated entities in a JPQL query, you can either use the mapped many-to-one association or a Hibernate-specific JOIN clause that doesn’t require a mapped relationship.

TypedQuery<PurchaseOrder> q = em.createQuery("SELECT o FROM PurchaseOrder o JOIN Item i ON = WHERE = :itemId", PurchaseOrder.class);q.setParameter("itemId", item2.getId());q.getSingleResult();

Think twice before using CascadeType.Remove

Cascade remove is another feature that works well on small to-many associations. Using it for one-to-many or many-to-one associations is not as dangerous as it is for many-to-many relationships. But it’s very inefficient when it needs to remove a huge number of entities.

Let’s take a look at an example. The following mapping tells Hibernate to remove all associated Item entities when it deletes the PurchaseOrder entity.

@Entitypublic class PurchaseOrder {@OneToMany(mappedBy = "order", cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE, orphanRemoval = true)private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();...}

The problem with this mapping is that Hibernate needs to execute proper lifecycle transitions for all entities. So, Hibernate needs to select all associated Item entities and remove them one by one.

16:08:25,677 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where,711 DEBUG SQL:92 - select items0_.fk_order as fk_order4_0_0_, as id1_0_0_, as id1_0_1_, as name2_0_1_, items0_.fk_order as fk_order4_0_1_, items0_.version as version3_0_1_ from Item items0_ where items0_.fk_order=?16:08:25,874 DEBUG SQL:92 - delete from Item where id=? and version=?16:08:25,881 DEBUG SQL:92 - delete from Item where id=? and version=?16:08:25,883 DEBUG SQL:92 - delete from PurchaseOrder where id=? and version=?

Deleting the associated entities one by one can create an overhead that is huge enough that you should better remove them with a JPQL query. But please be aware that Hibernate will not call any EntityListeners for these entities, and it also doesn’t remove them from any caches.

If you want to spend some extra effort, you can update the caches programmatically. The following code snippet shows an example that removes all entities from the first level cache before it calls a JPQL query to remove all Item entities associated to a given Order entity.

em.flush();em.clear();Query q = em.createQuery("DELETE Item i WHERE = :orderId");q.setParameter("orderId", orderId);q.executeUpdate();order = em.find(PurchaseOrder.class, orderId);em.remove(order);

You first need to call the flush() method on the EntityManager to make sure that Hibernate wrote all changes to the database. Then you can call the clear() method to detach all entities from the current persistence context and to remove them from the first level cache.

After that is done, you can use a simple JPQL query to remove all associated Item entities before you read and remove the PurchaseOrder entity.

The complexity of this approach is a lot higher than using a simple cascade delete. But as you can see in the following log output, it only needs 3 queries to remove a PurchaseOrder with all associated Item entities.

16:19:18,985 DEBUG SQL:92 - delete from Item where fk_order=?16:19:19,003 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where,026 DEBUG SQL:92 - delete from PurchaseOrder where id=? and version=?

Use orphanRemoval when modeling parent-child associations

The orphanRemoval feature can make it very comfortable to remove a child entity. You can use it for parent-child relationships in which a child entity can’t exist without its parent entity.

That’s the case in the example that I use in this post. An Item entity can’t exist without a PurchaseOrder entity. So, any Item entity that’s not associated to a PurchaseOrder entity, needs to be removed.

Hibernate does that automatically when you set the orphanRemoval attribute of the @OneToMany annotation to true and the cascade attribute to CascadeType.ALL.

@Entitypublic class PurchaseOrder {@OneToMany(mappedBy = "order", orphanRemoval = true)private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();...}

You now just need to remove an Item entity from the List<Item> items attribute of the PurchaseOrder entity to delete it from the database.

order = em.find(PurchaseOrder.class, orderId);order.getItems().remove(1);
16:42:16,251 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where,273 DEBUG SQL:92 - select items0_.fk_order as fk_order4_0_0_, as id1_0_0_, as id1_0_1_, as name2_0_1_, items0_.fk_order as fk_order4_0_1_, items0_.version as version3_0_1_ from Item items0_ where items0_.fk_order=?16:42:16,295 DEBUG SQL:92 - delete from Item where id=? and version=?

Implement helper methods to update bi-directional associations

Bidirectional associations are comfortable to use in queries and to navigate relationships in your domain model. But they require special attention when you update them.

When you add an entity to or remove it from an association, you need to perform the operation on both ends. That means, that when you add a new Item to a PurchaseOrder, you need to set the PurchaseOrder on the Item and add the Item to the List<Item> on the PurchaseOrder.

Item item3 = new Item();item3.setName("Third Item");item3.setOrder(order);em.persist(item3);order = em.find(PurchaseOrder.class, orderId);order.getItems().add(item3);

That is an error-prone task. You should, therefore, provide helper methods that implement this logic.

@Entitypublic class PurchaseOrder {...public void addItem(Item item) {this.items.add(item);item.setOrder(this);}}
Item item3 = new Item();item3.setName("Third Item");order.addItem(item3);em.persist(item3);

Define FetchType.LAZY for @ManyToOne association

The JPA specification defines FetchType.EAGER as the default for to-one relationships. It tells Hibernate to initialize the association, when it loads the entity. That is not a big deal, if you just load one entity. It requires just 1 additional query if you use JPQL query and Hibernate creates an INNER JOIN when you use the EntityManager.find method.

But that dramatically changes when you select multiple Item entities.

List<Item> items = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Item i", Item.class).getResultList();

Hibernate then needs to perform an additional query for each of the selected entities. That is often called a n+1 select issue. You can learn more about it in my free course How to find and fix n+1 select issues.

17:06:44,753 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_0_, as name2_0_, item0_.fk_order as fk_order4_0_, item0_.version as version3_0_ from Item item0_17:06:44,775 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where,793 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where,796 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where,798 DEBUG SQL:92 - select as id1_1_0_, purchaseor0_.version as version2_1_0_ from PurchaseOrder purchaseor0_ where

You can avoid that by setting the FetchType on the @ManyToOne annotation to LAZY.

@Entitypublic class Item {@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)@JoinColumn(name = "fk_order")private PurchaseOrder order;...}

And if you need the to-one association in your use case, you can use a JOIN FETCH clause or one of the other options to initialize lazy relationships.

List<Item> items = em.createQuery("SELECT i FROM Item i JOIN FETCH i.order", Item.class).getResultList();


One of the benefits of using JPA and Hibernate is that they make it very easy to manage associations and to use them in queries. But as you’ve seen in this post, there are a few pitfalls you should avoid.

So, when you model your next many-to-one or one-to-many association, please make sure to:

  • Not use unidirectional one-to-many associations
  • Avoid the mapping of huge to-many associations
  • Think twice before using CascadeType.Remove
  • Use orphanRemoval when modeling parent-child associations
  • Implement helper methods to update bidirectional associations
  • Define FetchType.LAZY for @ManyToOne association
Best Practices for Many-To-One and One-To-Many Association Mappings (2024)


What is the difference between one-to-many and many-to-many mapping? ›

In a One-To-Many relationship, one object is the "parent" and one is the "child". The parent controls the existence of the child. In a Many-To-Many, the existence of either type is dependent on something outside the both of them (in the larger application context).

How do you map a many-to-many relationship using join? ›

Steps to Implement Many-To-Many Mapping in JPA
  1. Define the entities involved in the relationship. We can identify the entities that participate in many-to-many relationships. ...
  2. Configure the Relationships of the Entities. ...
  3. Map to the Join Table. ...
  4. Access and Manipulate the Associated Entities.
Apr 9, 2024

How can you avoid the mapping of huge to many associations? ›

Avoid the mapping of huge to-many associations

But Hibernate loads all associated entities when it initializes the association. That can take several seconds or even minutes when Hibernate has to fetch several thousand entities. So, better use an unidirectional many-to-one association.

When to use one-to-many and many-to-many? ›

One-to-many: A record in one table is related to many records in another table. Many-to-many: Multiple records in one table are related to multiple records in another table.

What are the examples of many to many mappings? ›

Many-to-Many mapping is usually implemented in database using a Join Table. For example we can have Cart and Item table and Cart_Items table for many-to-many mapping. Every cart can have multiple items and every item can be part of multiple carts, so we have a many to many mapping here.

What are the examples of one to many mappings? ›

In simple terms, one to many mapping means that one row in a table can be mapped to multiple rows in another table. For example, think of a Cart system where we have another table for Items. A cart can have multiple items, so here we have one to many mapping.

What is the best way to map a one-to-many relationship? ›

Among all , Bidirectional `@OneToMany` association is the best way to map a one-to-many database relationship.
  1. The direction of a relationship can be either bidirectional or unidirectional.
  2. A bidirectional relationship has both an owning side and an inverse side.
  3. A unidirectional relationship has only an owning side.
Nov 20, 2019

How do you diagram a many-to-many relationship? ›

Graphically, the many to many relationship is usually represented in a logical diagram with crow's foot notation. In a relational database, this relationship is then usually implemented using a join table, otherwise known as a junction or associative table with two one-to-many relationships.

How do you manage many-to-many relationships in database? ›

To implement a many-to-many relationship we need something called a join table. A join table has exactly one purpose: it joins the two tables that have a many-to-many relationship. It stores all of the information describing the many-to-many relationship.

How to do association mapping? ›

Five main steps exist for the association studies: 1) selection of the population's samples, 2) determination of the level and influence of the structure population on the sample, 3) phenotypic characterization of the population for the interest trait, 4) population genotyping for regions/candidate genes candidates or ...

What are the challenges of mapping? ›

4 Data Mapping Challenges and How to Overcome Them
  • Too time consuming to build a data map. ...
  • Impossible to keep a data map up to date. ...
  • Incomplete information to build a data map. ...
  • Not possible to build a comprehensive data map.

What is the purpose of association mapping? ›

Association mapping can evaluate numerous alleles simultaneously and is useful for studying the inheritance of complex traits controlled by multiple QTL [124]. Using association mapping, six genes in different metabolic pathways were significantly associated with response to Al stress in maize [125].

Why not to use many-to-many? ›

The problem with many-to-many relationships is that it can cause duplications in the returned datasets, which can result in incorrect results and might consume excessive computing resources.

What are 5 examples of one-to-many relations in real life? ›

Some examples of One to Many relations in everyday life include parent-child relationships, teachers-students relationships, social media followers, book authors and their books, and websites with multiple web pages.

When to use @ManyToOne? ›

The @ManyToOne mapping is used to represent a many-to-one relationship between entities in JPA Hibernate. It is used when multiple instances of one entity are associated with a single instance of another entity.

What is the difference between one-to-one and many to many? ›

Defining relationships

A one-to-one relationship is created if both of the related fields are primary keys or have unique indexes. A many-to-many relationship is really two one-to-many relationships with a third table whose primary key consists of two fields ï¿ the foreign keys from the two other tables.

What is the difference between one to many and many-to-one functions? ›

One-to-many: One x-value corresponds to multiple y-values. Many-to-one: Multiple x-values correspond to the same y-value.

What is the difference between OneToOne and ManyToOne? ›

The main difference between a OneToOne and a ManyToOne relationship in JPA is that a ManyToOne always contains a foreign key from the source object's table to the target object's table, where as a OneToOne relationship the foreign key may either be in the source object's table or the target object's table.

What is many-to-one mapping? ›

The Many-To-One mapping represents a single-valued association where a collection of entities can be associated with the similar entity. Hence, in relational database any more than one row of an entity can refer to the similar rows of another entity.


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